Relocation Assessment

The journey to relocating is one that requires, preparation, planning and the right guidance.

I spent almost 3 years trying to relocate and after 9 visa denials and trying different relocation paths, I succeeded. Since then I’ve single handedly organised my visa’s to 10+ countries, relocated to Barbados and I currently reside in Cape Verde.

I made a lot of mistakes, I learned things the hard way and I gained a lot of knowledge.

Based on my experience, I realised that when relocating, a lot of people struggle with:

  • Finding the right country that suits their lifestyle and budget
  • Finding jobs prior to relocating
  • Understanding the relocation options available to them outside of popular countries like the US or Canada
  • Finding useful information on all the requirements needed for them to relocate to the country they want.

To solve this problem, my Relocation Assessment uses a 3 stage proven system of analysis to help people figure out the right country for them, so they can understand the paths to take, based on a variety of factors.

Image with 3 step relocation process

With my assessment we:

Stage 1
We do a thorough analysis of your current situation by analysing your marital status, dependents, current profession, qualifications, income, and savings, to have a better understanding of where you are in your life right now.

Stage 2
We compare the results of your analysis from stage 1 with your relocation expectations, to see if your relocation plans are possible or not.

Stage 3
Based on the results from stage 2, we help you understand which relocation options exist and are realistic for you.

Your assessment RESULTS will give you a clearer understanding of what your relocation options are. You’ll realise how to get jobs prior to relocating and you’ll know the next step to take towards making your relocation dreams come true.

Ready to get started on this journey?


Relocation Assessment


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What happens when I start the assessment?

When you start the assessment, you’ll be redirected to a payment page. After payment, you’ll be redirected to a questionnaire to begin your relocation assessment.

When will my Relocation Assessment Result be ready?

Your Relocation Assessment results will be ready within 10 days and you’ll receive the results in your email.
Please add the email [] to your whitelist or save it as a contact so your results don’t go to spam.

Is my payment secure?

Yes! All payments are secure and made through the trusted online payment platform paystack

What methods can I use to make payment?

You can make payments directly using a debit card, online banking, bank transfer, USSD code and Visa QR.

Will my card details be saved and will Five Foot Nomad have access to my card details?

NO. Your card details will NOT be saved and Five Foot Nomad will NOT have any access to your card details as all payments are processed by the secure platform paystack.

What happens if I get charged twice?

If you get charged twice please Contact Basilia immediately. 

What if I want to add additional details to my Relocation Assessment?

If you feel like you forgot to add something to your relocation assessment, you can send me an email

I’m having issues making payment what do I do?

Contact Basilia